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Gamification in Awareness

As cyber-attacks become increasingly sophisticated and frequent, it is critical that employees are properly trained and aware of security risks and best practices.
However, traditional approaches to cybersecurity training often lack the desired effectiveness, as employees tend to find them boring and unmotivating. This is where gamification emerges as a promising strategy to improve user awareness and engagement.
By adopting a gamified approach, organizations can achieve greater employee engagement and knowledge retention, resulting in a significant improvement in cybersecurity posture and a reduction in human-related risks.

Benefits of gamification

Gamification in awareness programs can help to significantly increase user (employee) motivation and participation compared to traditional training approaches. Some of the key benefits include:

 •  Engagement and active participation: Incorporating gamification elements, such as challenges, rewards and feedback, captures users' attention and keeps them more involved in the learning process.

 •  Encouraging healthy competition: The inclusion of point systems, levels and rankings encourages friendly competition among participants, which increases their motivation to improve and excel.

 •  Feeling of achievement and recognition: When users complete tasks, solve challenges or reach certain milestones, they receive rewards and recognition, which generates a sense of satisfaction and success.

 •  Fun and enjoyment of learning: By making the process of learning about cybersecurity more playful and entertaining, the perception that it is a tedious or boring task is reduced.

 •  More effective learning: By presenting information interactively and with constant feedback, it facilitates the assimilation and understanding of key cybersecurity concepts.

 •  Transfer of knowledge to practice: Gamification challenges and simulations allow users to apply the knowledge acquired in realistic situations, which favors its retention and application in day-to-day life.

 •  Continuous reinforcement of learning: The structure of levels, achievements and rewards encourages users to continue participating and practicing, which consolidates knowledge in the long term.

 •  Personalization of learning: Gamification allows content and challenges to be adapted to the needs and knowledge levels of each user, which improves the effectiveness of learning.

Key elements

Gamification is based on the incorporation of various game elements that seek to enhance the learning experience and encourage active user participation. Some of the key elements include:

Challenges and tests

Challenges and quizzes are a fundamental part of gamification, as they present users with challenges to overcome in order to advance the learning process. Examples include:

 •  Cyber-attack simulations: Users must identify and respond appropriately to phishing scenarios, malware, social engineering, etc.

 •  Knowledge tests: Knowledge acquired on cybersecurity concepts is assessed through quizzes and questions.

 •  Missions and tasks: Users are required to complete specific tasks related to the implementation of good security practices.

Point systems, levels and achievements

Point systems, levels and achievements are reward mechanisms that encourage users to participate and improve their performance. Examples include:

 •  Points are awarded for completing tasks, overcoming challenges and demonstrating knowledge: Points are awarded for completing tasks, overcoming challenges and demonstrating knowledge.

 •  Levels: Users advance through different levels as they accumulate points and achievements.

 •  Badges and achievements: Badges and special recognition are awarded for reaching milestones or excelling in certain areas.

 •  Rankings: The progress and position of each user in relation to the other participants is displayed.

Feedback and recognition

Feedback and recognition are key elements in keeping users motivated and engaged. Examples include:

 •  Real-time feedback: Users are provided with immediate feedback on their performance and progress.

 •  Achievement recognition: User achievements and progress are celebrated and highlighted through rewards, congratulations and celebrations.

 •  Feedback and suggestions: Users are provided with guidance and advice to improve their performance and overcome challenges.

Best practices in implementation

For the successful implementation of gamification in cybersecurity awareness programs, it is important to follow certain best practices. Some of the most important ones are:

Alignment with the organization's safety objectives

It is essential that gamification is aligned with the organization's security objectives and priorities. This implies:

 •  Identify the main cybersecurity risks and threats faced by the company.

 •  Determine the key behaviors and knowledge you want to foster in your employees.

 •  Design gamification challenges and content to specifically address these aspects.

Designing engaging and relevant learning experiences

To keep users motivated and engaged, it is crucial to design learning experiences that are engaging, interactive and relevant to their work context. Some key considerations include:

 •  Use visual design and captivating narratives that capture users' attention.

 • Present the contents in a clear, concise and easy to understand manner.

 • Customize challenges and rewards according to the role, location and knowledge level of each user.

Integration with the company's culture and processes

To maximize the impact of gamification, it is important to integrate it seamlessly with the organization's existing culture and processes. This involves:

 • Obtain the support and sponsorship of senior management to support the initiative.

 • Clearly communicate the objectives and benefits of gamification to all employees.

 • Integrate gamification results and achievements with human resources processes, such as performance evaluations and development plans.

Monitoring and continuous improvement

Finally, it is essential to constantly monitor gamification performance and results, and make adjustments and improvements as needed. Some key activities include:

 • Collect and analyze data on user participation, progress and results.

 • Obtain feedback from users on their experience and suggestions for improvement.

 • Perform periodic updates and changes to maintain the interest and relevance of gamification.

Results and key metrics

Measuring impact is critical to evaluating your effectiveness and making continuous improvements. Some of the key metrics to consider include:

Increased participation and engagement

 • Number of registered and active users in the gamification platform.
 • Challenge and activity completion rate.
 • Average time of participation and frequency of access.
 • Level of user interaction and feedback.

Improved knowledge

 • Scores and results obtained in the knowledge tests.
 • Number of users who reach certain levels or achievements.
 • Self-assessment surveys on the application of best practices.

Decrease in incidents

 • Decrease in the number of incidents, such as successful phishing attacks.
 • Reduced threat detection and response time.
 • Reduced number of security policy violations by employees.
 • Improvement in risk indicators related to the human factor.

In addition to these quantitative metrics, it is also important to collect qualitative feedback from users through surveys, interviews and focus groups. This will allow for a better understanding of their experience, perceptions and suggestions for improvement.


In summary, gamification has become a valuable tool for improving the effectiveness of cybersecurity awareness programs in organizations. By incorporating game elements, such as challenges, rewards and point systems, it is possible to significantly increase employee motivation and participation, which translates into better retention and application of acquired knowledge.

To implement gamification successfully, it is critical to align with safety objectives, design engaging and relevant learning experiences, and integrate with existing culture and processes.
By measuring key indicators such as employee engagement, improved knowledge and reduction of human-related incidents, organizations will be able to assess the true impact of gamification on their awareness programs. Overall, gamification presents itself as an effective and promising strategy to strengthen the cybersecurity posture of organizations.